Notes- Basics,Types,number of notes | Lesson ID: (T-B-Intr02)

12 notes & their representation

There are total 12 different notes in the western music notation system.
By these 12 notes every note on the frequency spectrum can be addressed. 

There are 7 natural notes & 5 extra notes.
7 Natural notes are A,B,C,D,E,F,G
5 extra notes are (A# or Bb), (C# or Db), (D# or Eb),(F# or Gb), (G# or Ab)

# is pronounced as 'sharp' & b is pronounced as 'flat'.

sharp means greater or higher, flat means less or lower.
so A# (A sharp) means something greater/higher than A.
Bb(B flat) means something that lower than B.
so basically A# & B flat are same, what is greater than A that is lower than B,means
in between A & B.
Same works for others also say, F#/Gb also, greater than F or lower than G implies the same thing i.e. in between F & G. 

Lets see the diagram of notes to see the series of all 12 notes :

what we can see here there is a series of 12 notes.
That series is

Asharp/B flat
C Sharp/D flat
D sharp/E flat
F sharp/G flat
G sharp/A flat

this all 12 notes are used in music notation & they are repeated cycle by cycle up & down the pitch.We will learn more about notes & note cycle on the next post.

Next : Notes Nomenclature & note cycle |

courtesy : Arijit Karali from Youtube 
